FarAway 2.x user manual

This document contains a user guide for the FarAway add-on.

How to create an absence record

1. If you have the permission to create absence records, you will see a "FarAway" menu and in it, a "FarAway" item. Click on it to create an absence record.

2. Choose "Add absence record". 

3. On the following screen, type in the details of the absence and select "Add".

  • User – The name of the absenting worker (if you have the "Editor" role, you can add absences for other users).
  • Reason for absence – Pick the absence type from the menu
  • From – The beginning of the absence.
  • To – The end of the absence.
  • h/d – For how many hours is the employee absent in each of the recorded days (8 hours by default)?
  • Substitute – Substitute for absenting worker.
  • Note – You can add notes about the worker's absence here.

If a Jira project is set for the absence issues, an issue concerning the created absence will be created in the chosen project.

If it is not, the absence will only be recorded in the right part of the FarAway window and the FarAway calendar.

Displaying the absence records

A user with the "Viewer" role can display the current and planned absences. A user with the "Editor" role can also edit and delete the records and see past ones.

The "Ongoing absence" tab displays currently ongoing absences, planned absence displays those planned in the future and last absence displays past vacations. You can export those in a CSV format.

Fields on issue

Fields related to FarAway:

  • Substitute (only inside the FarAway form) - Substitute for absenting worker
  • Assignee is absent (type FarAway: Assignee Warning) - customfield, where a warning is displayed eg "Assignee Novák, Jan is absenting now! Reason: Compensatory leave, termination: 2020-09-03
  • Substitute Assignee (type FarAway: Intelligent Assignee) - customfield, where Substitute is displayed if Assignee is absent.
  • Assignee (Jira system field) - standard field where the required solver is written.

Missing assignee

A user with the "WarningViewer" role can display the absence notifications for issues whose assignee is absent. To display this field, you must have the appropriate Custom field configured, as mentioned in the administrator's guide.


The Calendar displays the absences, versions and tasks due on various days.

You can filter which entries will be displayed on the left side of the Faraway calendar: ticking Faraway shows absence entries, Due Day shows issue due dates and Release Day shows release dates of Versions in various projects.

Absence filters

Faraway now allows for filtering per employee, per absence duration or per reason for absence. You can edit these criteria in a tab above the Ongong, Last and Planned absence records.


To add the Faraway gadget on your dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Dashboards" menu, choose "Add gadget".
  2. Search for "FarAway".
  3. Select "Add it now" in the "Onlio FarAway" gadget window.
  4. Set an update frequency.

User roles and functionalities

The following table describes the basic functionalities of the add-on and their availability according to user roles.

FarAway Role / Functionality




JIRA Administrator

Add-on settings





Record editing





Record viewing





Absence warnings



